Friday, August 14, 2020

Our body: a chemical soup......and an immense possibility of LIFE !

Our body has its own inherent capabilities to generate different chemicals that are required to be in appropriate proportions. There are many chemical factories i.e glands within us, which do these jobs of production. 

Whenever any of these capabilities becomes deficient (underactive or overactive) is when we face illnesses. Eg insulin, thyroxine, adrenalin, testosterone, oestrogen etc And then we address those illnesses by simply taking medicines which are nothing but chemicals to either address the deficiency or to kickstart the internal factories to produce the right chemicals, thereby supplementing the chemical soup that is inside us. These may appear to be quick fixes or short term interventions. However if we live life consciously and manage our lifestyle better, we can keep our internal chemical factories humming innoerfect rhythm and harmony.

There is obviously a strong connect between our body and our mind. All actions and thoughts that we engage in, directly result in the appropriate chemical secretions into the blood stream and result in various after effects. Simple examples are : When we have a sudden scare or fright, our body releases adrenaline in an instant and our heart rate goes up, enabling the after effect of fight or flight. When one sees an erotic image or scene, appropriate hormones get released resulting in male erections and female vaginal lubrication.

So there is a direct correlation between our thoughts & acts and the constitution bof the chemical soup inside us. This being the case, if we can consciously engage in specific acts and thoughts that would enable the release of the relevant chemicals that generate positive effects on us as a human being.

D.O.S.E ...i.e Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins are the wellness / happiness chemicals. We need to have these in the appropriate D.O.S.E within us. And if these are in sufficient quantities, then each of us will have an overall elevated level of wellness within us and would also automatically spread this wellness around us.

The image above in this page and this YouTube link :
.....and also this post I found on the internet.... clearly states that "Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins are the quartet responsible for our happiness. Many events can trigger these neurotransmitters, but rather than being in the passenger seat, there are ways we can intentionally cause them to flow."

.......all these guide us to the appropriate actions that we could do consciously to ensure the right dose of D.O.S.E.

Likewise the internal "life-energy" also determines how we conduct our life. The quality / nature of our internal life-energy and where is based within the body determine the conduct of our life. Vice versa how we conduct nour life also determines the nature of our life-energy. The chakras (there are supposed to be 114 chakras for a human ...112 within us and two around us. And of the 112 within us the main ones that are commonly referred to are the seven chakras.....Mooladhara, Swadishthana, Manipooraka, Anahatha, Vishuddhi, Ajna and Sahasrara) and the physical structure of the body (skeleton and organs etc) are depicted in this image and also in these write-ups.

One can consciously determine and alter the state of our life-energy by appropriate practices, our lifestyle etc. All yogic masters teach us various kriyas and sadhanas (loosely translated as actions and tools) that help us enhanvebour life-energy.

Having been given the gift of a human life, we can consciously exercise our free will to determine the true impact that this lifetime has on us as individuals and also on the rest of humanity and the planet. We can and should determine what footprints 👣👣👣 each of us leaves on the sands of time.

🙏🙏🙏 Namaskarams 🙏🙏🙏

Shriram Parameswaran
13 Aug 2020


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