Thursday, April 02, 2020

"Uttama Purusha".....the Ideal Human

Today is ShriramaNavami.....

The day we celebrate Lord Shriram.....But why is Lord Shriram worshipped?

His life was in no way what one could call a successful life in the normal was actually a serial disaster.

His place in the kingdom was usurped, he and his wife were banished into the jungles, his wife was kidnapped, his wife had to undergo an agni- pariksha, he almost killed his own children unknowingly......

Yet he is worshipped.

Because he was the "uttama-purusha".

Despite being bombarded with curve balls all through his life, he always behaved in the right way and did what was right. Did not allow the situations to overcome his composure . And to that quality in a human, we bow down.

Let us all get that quality into us in these times and not just today....let us always have the sense to do the right thing. Be it WhatsApp forwards, be it social+physical distancing, be it handwash with soap, be it following a lockdown strictly, be it supporting the less privileged, putting service unto others above our own self-interests......🙏🙏🙏🙏



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