Friday, August 16, 2019

Suicide: an abuse of the gift of Life?

On July 31 2019 the news that hit headlines in India was that of the finding of Cafe Coffee Day's V G Siddhartha's body. 

Circumstances may overpower a person's interiority and compel them to take their own lives.

Be it a young student depressed over grades or a business-person submerged under presumably unsurmountable challenges.. taking one's own life is an extreme step..defeats the gift of life!

Life....the duration between the first breath and the last just a play ......and we should not blow the close-out whistle ourselves. Keep the ball in play....and have the ability to manage our own interiority irrespective of external circumstances. Live Life to the Maximum.

Only when big names do this to themselves, the media splashes this in our faces. There must be many more lesser known humans who commit this drastic crime on themselves and this goes largely unnoticed by the general population barring immediate family and friends.

Am told that self realized beings know when their time has come...and go into a kind of samadhi and leave their corporeal body...and allow life to ebb out. Likewise have heard that animals and birds too know when their end is nigh...and depart to a place to shed their bodies.

But I don't think animals and birds commit suicide ahead of their time. This frailty is a human speciality I guess. One which we can do without. 


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