Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I often wonder if in the last 100 years, humanity has progressed or regressed ? 

If we look back at just the last 100 years, and the massive changes that we have brought on to human life and all other forms of life and to the planet in general... destructive technologies to annihilate others during WWI and WWII, exploding human population ( we were just 2 billion in 1926 and at that time the growth rate was such that we would have added a billion every 123 years.... and in 1999 we were 6 billion and a growth rate that we would add a billion just every 12 years !!!) , decimation of many species, polarization of economies and classification based on haves and have-nots (a.k.a developed world , developing world , third world etc!!), new phrases like "globalization"... (we were always one globe !!!) , ridiculous life-styles where we have adopted all the modern conveniences in our lives thanks to technology but at a ridiculous cost to our health and the health of the planet, religion forming a base for terrorism, creating destabilizations in many parts of the world to enrich those manufacturing arms and ammunition, and the list goes on.. where are we headed as a human race.... at lightning speed towards a disaster? 

We have refused to really look at MOTHER NATURE and seek her signals and warnings... how long can we suckle and seek nourishment from MOTHER NATURE without respecting and nurturing her in return? Till she withers away as a drained corpse? 

Like the Masaai tribe there are numerous Adivasi (literally translated as the first inhabitants) tribes in India and all parts of the world, that have survived and flourished with a very close bonding with Mother Nature. Us so called "civilised" folks in our dapper suits, numerous educational degrees and fuel guzzling vehicles and modern conveniences continue to rape Mother Nature.

We can all theorize and preach...but change begins with me, with us, with each one of us. If we earnestly decide that from this moment on at least, we will be consciously aware of the planet and the eco-system that supports us, be aware of the inter-connectedness between all forms of existence and take decisions and make choices conscious of these facts, when we breathe our last we will leave the planet and its inhabitants a little better than what we inherited...is that not the real purpose of life? 

To enrich all around us and leave the planet a far better place than when you were born? Is that not a life well lived? Is that not YOGA or the union with everything that is around us in the cosmos?

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