Moments...towards mukti......
LIFE is just the set of discrete moments between one's Birth and one's Death.
Metaphorically speaking, LIFE is akin to our school / college / academic pursuits. With one major and subtle difference though.... We actually choose our school / college / academic course willfully in this very life. But that is not clearly and consciously so in the case of LIFE. LIFE's moments come to us unannounced, possibly triggered by moments that we may have experienced earlier in this life or even in earlier lives !! Each moment in our life has been drawn in by our own past actions in this life or in our past lives. Hence "this moment is truly inevitable" .
Back to the metaphor : In each academic pursuit we may choose / prefer some subjects , some part of the syllabus etc. Do exceedingly well in a few things scrape through a few not-so-liked subjects. We may pass each year or excel with distinction or even fail. If we fail, we repeat a subject or even repeat a term/year!! It is only when the learning is "complete" as decided by the examination board, that we graduate / complete the course and get certified... And move on to our next course...and theoretically speaking, if all our learning is 100% complete then we do not need any further schooling / college / academic pursuits !! If we do manage such a fantastic level of learning, then we would be a true full-fledged scholar!!
Likewise if our learnings form the experience of each moment in our life is not complete then we have to repeat the moment again !! Each moment that we witness in our lives comes to us for specific learning opportunities. We can either leverage it to its optimum for our own mukti.....or let it drift past un-utilized...... or worse still do something completely retrograde that needs even more learning / unlearning !!!
Our experience of each moment is entirely dependent on our own individual response in that situation. We have a zillion choices to select from as our final response in any given moment. Some choices may be determined by our compulsions ( vaasanaas / tendencies) eg fears from our past memories or fears / imaginations of our yet-to-come future !! Some choices may be determined by our pure consciousness if we react in the "right" way and see each moment as it truly "is" and not as we fear it to be / imagine it to be. Hence "our ability to respond is limitless".
If we operate from within our complete consciousness and awareness, our response is likely to be not compulsive. Then and only then do we have a tremendous possibility to experience each moment without compulsiveness and thereby reduce our karmic baggage. And march towards mukti!!
I guess the entire effort in one's LIFE is to utilize our allotted, definite amount of Time (kala), Energy and Information to experience each moment as it truly is.... and complete our learning.
As parents, we tend to forgive / forget and still operate from a plane of our total unconditional love. But we chose this level of response only to a select few whom we consider as our own : possibly a select set of family / firiends. But if we consider ourselves as a parent to all the beings (sentient or nonsentient) in the universe, then it is possible that our response would be from a level of total consciousness / awareness !! Hence "strive to be a parent to the universe".
As Sadhguru puts it : When a human being is born, a certain software is set within him, which is a combination of time, energy and the information that he carries with him. These three together will determine various aspects of life. These three components together is the making of life. These three components together is what you are right now. If one grasps these three dimensions within, that you are a combination of time, energies and information, if you can conduct all these three things consciously, you are free in every way – 100% free. That’s liberation. That’s mukti.
Metaphorically speaking, LIFE is akin to our school / college / academic pursuits. With one major and subtle difference though.... We actually choose our school / college / academic course willfully in this very life. But that is not clearly and consciously so in the case of LIFE. LIFE's moments come to us unannounced, possibly triggered by moments that we may have experienced earlier in this life or even in earlier lives !! Each moment in our life has been drawn in by our own past actions in this life or in our past lives. Hence "this moment is truly inevitable" .
Back to the metaphor : In each academic pursuit we may choose / prefer some subjects , some part of the syllabus etc. Do exceedingly well in a few things scrape through a few not-so-liked subjects. We may pass each year or excel with distinction or even fail. If we fail, we repeat a subject or even repeat a term/year!! It is only when the learning is "complete" as decided by the examination board, that we graduate / complete the course and get certified... And move on to our next course...and theoretically speaking, if all our learning is 100% complete then we do not need any further schooling / college / academic pursuits !! If we do manage such a fantastic level of learning, then we would be a true full-fledged scholar!!
Likewise if our learnings form the experience of each moment in our life is not complete then we have to repeat the moment again !! Each moment that we witness in our lives comes to us for specific learning opportunities. We can either leverage it to its optimum for our own mukti.....or let it drift past un-utilized...... or worse still do something completely retrograde that needs even more learning / unlearning !!!
Our experience of each moment is entirely dependent on our own individual response in that situation. We have a zillion choices to select from as our final response in any given moment. Some choices may be determined by our compulsions ( vaasanaas / tendencies) eg fears from our past memories or fears / imaginations of our yet-to-come future !! Some choices may be determined by our pure consciousness if we react in the "right" way and see each moment as it truly "is" and not as we fear it to be / imagine it to be. Hence "our ability to respond is limitless".
If we operate from within our complete consciousness and awareness, our response is likely to be not compulsive. Then and only then do we have a tremendous possibility to experience each moment without compulsiveness and thereby reduce our karmic baggage. And march towards mukti!!
I guess the entire effort in one's LIFE is to utilize our allotted, definite amount of Time (kala), Energy and Information to experience each moment as it truly is.... and complete our learning.
As parents, we tend to forgive / forget and still operate from a plane of our total unconditional love. But we chose this level of response only to a select few whom we consider as our own : possibly a select set of family / firiends. But if we consider ourselves as a parent to all the beings (sentient or nonsentient) in the universe, then it is possible that our response would be from a level of total consciousness / awareness !! Hence "strive to be a parent to the universe".
As Sadhguru puts it : When a human being is born, a certain software is set within him, which is a combination of time, energy and the information that he carries with him. These three together will determine various aspects of life. These three components together is the making of life. These three components together is what you are right now. If one grasps these three dimensions within, that you are a combination of time, energies and information, if you can conduct all these three things consciously, you are free in every way – 100% free. That’s liberation. That’s mukti.
I remember you explaining me the difference between response and reaction...I understand it better now...
I remember you explaining me the difference between response and reaction...I understand it better now...
Thanks !! learn about mukti marg in hindi
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