Happy Teachers day !!! Today and every day !! Just BE, LEARN and EVOLVE......
LIFE is indeed just a journey. A journey, consisting of discrete series of moments in a continuum spanning a definite timeline, from BIRTH to DEATH.
Our BIRTH is not determined by us and neither is our DEATH. What we can however determine and take control of is every moment in LIFE.
Not to lead LIFE compulsively either based on our memories or imaginations : both of which are manifestations of our MIND, one of the past and one of the future. But to live LIFE consciously, savoring every moment for what it brings forth. With a childlike curiosity and eagerness !! Without adding any adjective to a moment as a good moment or a bad moment but just as a MOMENT!! Not passing judgement on any moment or any character / episode in a moment.
If LIFE is a school for us to evolve, then every moment in ones life is a moment of LEARNING and every being / creature that we come across in every moment of our LIFE is a GURU. At least has the potential of being a GURU. Based on our openness and receptivity every being / creature that we come across , can impart huge amounts of learnings to us. And every GURU is equivalent to divinity.
"Matru devo bhava, Pitra devo bhava, Acharya devo bhava and Athithi devo bhava" !!
In that spirit every creature around us is our teacher and a Happy teachers day to all of us !! That is why every athithi / guest in our lives is equivalent to a guru and that is why "Athithi devo Bhava". Not to be wrongly understood as a "guest" in our homes but as a "guest" in our moments in life....
Yes parents, formal teachers and gurus do personify this aspect of being a teacher in a more direct comprehensible manner.
Just BE, LEARN and EVOLVE.... happy teachers day to every one in my life thus far and beyond...
posted by Shriram Parameswaran @ 9:19 AM
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