Sunday, April 05, 2020

An Opportunity to Reinvent Your Destiny !

Every moment and every situation offers each of us a New Opportunity. So does Covid19 !  For Business enterprises and Entrepreneurs, here is a great Opportunity to Reinvent Your Destiny.

An opportunity to reinvent ourselves: Yes, the Universe could have used the medium of the Corona Virus to shake us off our stupor. This is a great opportunity indeed. These are great times for turning inward, re-assessing and re-purposing your own life, reinventing one’s own destiny.

New Paradigms, New Realities: Many paradigms would get transformed in an elastic manner and bounce back to the old pattern in a few weeks or few months. Many paradigms would get transformed in a plastic manner and get tweaked to a different permanent-set. Many paradigms would get completely shattered in a brittle manner and just disappear. New paradigms could manifest themselves, thereby offering us newer situations either as opportunities or as challenges. All said, the world as we know it before Covid19 and the world after Covid19 would be two distinct realities. One that we may not be able to fathom clearly today, but one that we can clearly gear up for.

The virus does not recognize boundaries and passports, does not discriminate based on gender, faith, political ideology, economic status or any other criteria. In that sense it is truly a great leveler. It serves a greater purpose of helping erase these human-made discriminators from our minds. The mightiest armies are impotent against this virus, the most reputed management consulting firms and visionaries could not predict this event. Now, as always, these same armies, consultants, visionaries will gear themselves up and help us recover and flourish. This planet Earth that we call home and the Humanity that is the most evolved species on Earth, will both survive this pandemic. We will get ushered into a new reality.

Gearing, Coping & Thriving: There could be a lull till demand really picks up for your business or till your supply-chain and operational processes gear up to a full flow. What should Business enterprises and Entrepreneurs do immediately and for the next few months, till a semblance of a new normalcy gets established? How do we cope in the short term and thrive in the long term?

And these were my ideas:

A. Alternate Imperative Actions: Set into motion many alternate actions that your enterprise really needs. Re-direct your organisational energy and resources to aspects that you may have postponed on account of the earlier routine rush. Re-assessing your inventory model, House-keeping activities, Re-designing process flows etc.

B. Boost Team Morale: Your biggest resource is your team and they will look up to you for a sense of direction, a sense of support and encouragement. They will need your help to make sense of the many uncertainties and grapple with their anxieties. Talk to them virtually, engage with them, communicate on emails and messaging apps frequently and in an articulate manner. Help them appreciate the new opportunities that could emerge. Generate and sustain hope. Be their guiding beacon.

C. Conserve Cash & Resources: As we are in an uncertain time-line, it makes sense to conserve all your vital resources and deploy them in a very discretionary manner. Do not attempt this alone. Engage with your teams and stakeholders to determine how the organisation could tighten its belts but still survive and be ready to thrive. Nurture the essentials, do away with the nice-to-haves.

D. Drive digital discipline: We were already riding a digital wave. It just got more massive. Work-from-home, virtual meetings, e-learning webinars, e-communiques, digital supply chains and digital marketplaces etc demand that each functional aspect be revisited to adopt a digital methodology. In doing so, you have to put in place solid governance mechanisms and checks-balances to drive discipline into the digital workplace. Because, the existing governance mechanisms may not be completely adequate in the digital workplace.

E. Engage with your Stakeholders: Maintain and reinvigorate your connect with all the stakeholders. Investors, Suppliers of Products and Services, Channel partners, Customers / Buyers, End Users. Have a keen perception to assess what has changed in their domains. Your organisation too has to factor these changes into your work-flow. A proactive outreach now will help build and nurture a stronger relationship with all stakeholders. If you RESPOND to them now, you will not need to REACT to them later.

F. Find New Opportunities: It surely is not all doom-and-gloom. A new horizon beckons. It will bring newer opportunities. Learn to read the tea leaves that lie in your market-place tea cup. Seek these out now and make your organisation more agile to these newer opportunities. Seek out new opportunities, gear up the organisation, breast the new tape!

G. Govern and Manage with a newer Consciousness: This is the cliched “last- but-not-the-least”. In fact, in my humble opinion, the Virus has a greater purpose of awakening each of us to a higher frequency. Making us more aware and conscious. Help us realize that we are “of-the-planet” and also “for-the-planet”. See how your business can align with the larger purpose of serving the wellness of humanity and wellness of our home Planet Earth. Yoga is about realizing the concept of Union. The union between the self and the larger whole: The Universe. We all are and shall always be a part of the Universe. Re-look and re-design your governance and management practices with a newer Consciousness. As Peter Block says: Choose Stewardship over Leadership, Choose Service over Self-Interest.

_/\_ Namaste _/\_

Shriram Parameswaran

05th April 2020
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


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