Sunday, 26 January 2025 Bharat’s 76th Republic Day
Our nation Bharat celebrates our 76th Republic Day today. This day in 1950 is when the Nation’s Constitution was adopted after we gained or Independence from the British on 15th Aug 1947.
A CONSTITUTION is a set of fundamental Laws and Rules of how the Nation would be governed. It describes the different Institutions of or Nation, their inter-relationships. It also spells out the Rights as well as the Duties of the citizens.
As an individual human being, each of us should have our own Constitution. A set of fundamental rules that should use to live our Life. Something that is unique to oneself. Drafted by oneself and adopted by oneself. How would we go about doing that?
- Define what is important in your Life.
- Establish clear-cut priorities.
- Be aware and conscious of your Do’s & Don’ts.
- Be clear about how you will be at your peak energy levels always.
- Be disciplined about your daily schedules and your dinacharya.
- Allot time for all important aspects of your Life every week and every month.
- Establish a clear pattern of giving back and nurturing to those in your circle of influence.
- Align yourself with the Universal energy and be genuinely grateful for the grace and abundance that flows through you.
- Dare to reach out for and grab every moment, tap into your fullest potential.
Remember this always: Your brand persona is a clear reflection of your state of BEING. And your Constitution lays down the framework of how you should conduct your Life. How you can be conscious about your state of being at all times.
Live Life To The Maximum!
Day 23052
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