Friday, August 14, 2015

Tomorrow ... 15th Aug 2015 ....Day 0

15th Aug 2015 :    As India steps into its 69th Independent year,  it is Day 0 for my journey as I start off towards Mt. Kailash and Lake Manasarovar.

There has always been in me,  a strange kind of fascination for hills and mountains. And for the last three years (2013-2015) a strong desire to travel to Mt Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. Am filled with gratitude as this year it is going to materialize!!

Extracted from : 
Manasarovar       Mapham Yumtso
Lake Manasarovar.jpg

Surface area
410 km2 (160 sq mi)
Max. depth
90 m (300 ft)
Surface elevation
4,590 m (15,060 ft)

Lake Manasarovar lies at 4,590 metres (15,060 ft) above mean sea level, a relatively high elevation for a large freshwater lake on the mostly saline lake-studded Tibetan Plateau.Lake Manasarovar[2] is relatively round in shape with the circumference of 88 kilometres (55 mi). Its depth reaches a maximum depth of 90 m (300 ft)[citation needed] and its surface area is 320 square kilometres (120 sq mi). It is connected to nearby Lake Rakshastal by the natural Ganga Chhu channel. Lake Manasarovar is near the source of the Sutlej, which is the easternmost large tributary of the Indus. Nearby are the sources of the Brahmaputra River, the Indus River, and theGhaghara, an important tributary of the Ganges.
Lake Manas Sarovar overflows in to lake Rakshastal which is a salt-water endorheic lake. These lakes used to be part of the Sutlej basin and were separated due to tectonic activity.
The word "Manasarovara" originates from Sanskrit, which is a combination of the words "Manas" "sarovara" manas meaning mind and sarovara meaning lake. According to the Hindu religion, the lake was first created in the mind of the Lord Brahma after which it manifested on Earth
 In Hinduism, Lake Manasarovar is a personification of purity, and one who drinks water from the lake will go to the abode of Shiva after death. He is believed to be cleansed of all his sins committed over even a hundred lifetimes.[4]
Like Mount Kailash, Lake Manasarovar is a place of pilgrimage, attracting religious people from IndiaNepal,Tibet and neighboring countries. Bathing in Manasarovar and drinking its water is believed to cleanse all sins.Pilgrimage tours are organized regularly, especially from India, the most famous of which is the yearly "Kailash Manas Sarovar Yatra". Pilgrims come to take ceremonial baths in the cleansing waters of the lake.
Lake Manasarovar has long been viewed by the pilgrims as being nearby to the sources of four great rivers of Asia, namely the Brahmaputra, Ghaghara, Indus and Sutlej, thus it is an axial point which has been thronged to by pilgrims for thousands of years. The region was closed to pilgrims from the outside following the Battle of Chamdo; no foreigners were allowed between 1951 and 1980. After the 1980s it has again become a part of the Indian pilgrim trail.[4]
According to the Hinduism, the lake was first created in the mind of Brahma after which it manifested on Earth.[3]Hence it is called "Manasa sarovaram", which is a combination of the Sanskrit words for "mind" and "lake". The lake is also supposed to be the summer abode of the hamsa, the swan. Considered to be sacred, the hamsa is an important element in the symbology of the subcontinent, representing wisdom and beauty.[5

Satellite view of lakes Manasarovar (right) and Rakshastal with Mount Kailash in the background



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